Pleasant Reading Surprises

I hope everyone’s enjoying the Holiday Kindle and Book Bundle Giveaway! Trust me, if I weren’t part of this blog, I’d be taking part even though I already have a Kindle because you can never have enough books.

I love to write, to create worlds and characters, to explore situations that tickle my fancy, but I’m first and foremost a reader. I can’t help it. Reading is like an addiction, a good one I think. I have four bookcases in my house packed with paperbacks. I did the math (which is always iffy for me) and figure I have well over 600 novels sitting on my shelves. Add to that the 450+ books on my Kindle and my library is over 1000 titles.

I know what I like to read and I search out books I think will entertain me. Sometimes I’m disappointed, sometimes though, I discover a new author and become an instant fan. That happened this weekend. I was tired of re-reading and decided to fish around Amazon to find something new to read.

I stumbled across a book called Beauty Dates the Beast. The title caught my attention and once I read the blurb, I decided to give it a try. Much to my excitement, the book turned out to be funny, fast-paced, and adorable. It’s written in first person which is something I generally avoid if I can. I’m not a big fan of that POV, but Jessica Sims managed to make me enjoy the story through Bathsheba’s point of view (and yeah, the heroine’s name is Bathsheba which is just full of awesome LOL).

If you want something to read that’s smart, witty, and entertaining, give it a try. I didn’t intend this post to be a book review, but I enjoyed this story so much, I just had to share it with y’all. Happy reading!


Single human female to join charming, wealthy single male were-cougar for a night of romantic fun – and maybe more.

Me: The tall, sensuous, open-minded leader of my clan.

You: A deliciously curvy virgin who’s intimately familiar with what goes bump in the night. Must not be afraid of a little tail. Prefer a woman who’s open to exploring her animal nature. Interest in nighttime walks through the woods a plus.

My turn-ons include protecting you from the worst the supernatural world has to offer.

Ready for an adventure? Give me a call.

Vampires and doppelgangers need not apply.

About danicaavet

Danica Avet lives and writes in the wilds of South Louisiana. Unmarried with no children, she's the proud pet of two cats and a dog. With a BA in History, she decided there were enough fry cooks in the world and tried her hand at writing. Danica loves losing herself in the antics of her characters and blushes more often than not at the things they do. She likes to define her work as paranormal romance with a touch of Cajun spice, but most times her characters turn the notch up to "five-alarm fire"!

Posted on December 5, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Oh sounds like a terrific book…. The title is catchy… Will put it on my to read list…

  2. Michelle Bledsoe

    I have seen so many great reviews for this book. And I do really love the title. It’s a great eye catcher. I have Beauty Dates The Beast on my wish list. I am so ready to read it.
    Merry Christmas!!!


    always ready for adventure! books takes ,me all over doing all kinds of things

  4. Great recommendation! I’ll have to check it out. I’m like you, I have so many books on my kindle I had to start categorizing them 🙂

  5. “I was tired of re-reading and decided to fish around Amazon to find something new to read.”

    Amen to that! It’s hard finding new titles and authors when you’re doing it without much context. Thanks!

  6. What a truly gorgeous cover! Wowzal. Oh, duh, and killer blurb!

  7. Cute! Thank you for the post – I’m always happy to get more book recs. 😛 Although maybe my wallet isn’t. The title is great, and oh my gosh the blurb too! And I agree 100% – a heroine named Bathsheba has to be all kinds of win.

    • I understand completely! My wallet hates me when I find a new author because I can’t just get their current book, if they have a backlist, I have to get all of that too! LOL

  8. I have a reading addition as well and I take that as a good thing. It only makes me wish there was time in the world to read. I love diving into new worlds and meeting new characters!

  9. I want to read this book and have been looking at it several times at the bookstore.

  10. That does look like a great book!

  11. LOL, I will have to give this one a try!

  12. Thanks for the rec, Danika! If that cover didn’t get my attention than the storyline sure did… this is sure to be a fun read!

  13. I have this on my Amazon list to buy, I just need to squeeze it into the budget for the week….lol

  14. I loved this book!!! I read it in one night. I can’t wait for the next one to come out. I uhave recommended it to several people.

  15. Sounds like a great book! One more to add to the TBR pile. 🙂

  16. I just got my copy. Looking forward to starting it!

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