Reclaiming the office

Most of my Shadow series has been written from a big, comfy chair in my bedroom. And most of the time, the long ottoman from our loft has been dragged in so I can have a place to rest my feet. The surrounding area is often littered with the pages of one of my stories, usually from crit or from having my keen-eyed husband review for typos. And then there’s the day’s snack stuff. My work spread easily takes over a third of the bedroom. Not good.

So last year, we moved the kids into a room together (under duly noted protest) and my husband and I took over the empty room for our office. I tried to work in there, but somehow my mojo was tied to the chair in the bedroom. Plus, the office got cluttered quickly with random stuff from the house. And it’s been overhauled for visitors, most recently the Christmas crew.

Well, it’s January—the month of fresh starts. And I am taking the office back. It’s cleaned out now, as you can see from the photo. Curtains and rods have been purchased. And I have a bunch of random stuff I need to put for decoration or utility. My absolutely necessary whiteboard needs inconspicuous wall space. I need more shelves. A little table. My comfy chair. And I’m going to buy myself a small ottoman so that the loft can have the big one back. And I hope this transformation can happen by the end of the month.

I am not particularly talented where home decoration is concerned (suggestions welcome), but I’ll post the results next time. I’ve got a lot of writing to do this year, and I have a fantasy of doing it in a great room.

Posted on January 25, 2012, in Erin Kellison and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I always say I’m going to write more at my desk when I’m at home, but I find I’m too easily distracted when I do. However, if I write at the kitchen table (where I wrote my very first book), I can block everything out and pound words out with no problem. How weird is that? Maybe my kitchen table is like your comfy chair. Hm. I don’t think I could fit it in my room though! LOL

  2. I have an office in the house, too, but I find myself spending time in several different rooms while writing. My husband’s den has very comfy chairs and a nice fireplace, so the dogs and I hang out in there some days and I kick back and write. It’s all good.

    Good luck decorating! 🙂

  3. Looking forward to seeing the new office results!

  4. You’re so very lucky to have the office space to do that! I write at a desk in the corner of our living room. I’m distracted most days, and wish I had somewhere I could slip away and write. Can’t wait to see the updated office!

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