Blog Archives

Scared? Have a Free Marshmallow.

Well, hello there.
I wasn’t expecting company.
Well, wait. Yeah, maybe I was.

My name is Regina Cole, and I’m an erotic romance author and marshmallow addict.

Wait, this isn’t a twelve-step meeting? Damn it. *checks calendar*

OH! Sorry! This is Darker Temptations! And this is my inaugural post, in which I introduce myself and give you nice things!

Well isn’t that embarrassing.

Ahem. Let’s start over.

Regina Cole. Erotic Romance Author for Ellora’s Cave. Loves marshmallows, dogs, and fishing. Hates people that tap on the glass of aquariums and badly fitting bras.

Here at Darker Temptations, the mood is somewhat, well, darker. Since I write everything from light contemporary to erotic horror, I’ll be trying to talk more about my darker stuff here, but be aware that I genre-bounce like the Dos Equis guy bed hops. So if I wander over into contemporary land, send one of my compatriots to yank me back.

I’ve been reading scifi, horror and fantasy since I had my first library card. I had a preteen love affair with Edgar Allan Poe, and I’ve never quite gotten over him. (I recited The Raven in a poetry competition in high school, and I make a pilgrimage to his hometown of Baltimore once a year. My husband claims that’s for a baseball game, but I can FEEL POE’S SPIRIT while I’m there. Rly. Srsly.)

But since my A #1 love is and always will be romance, I mash up these things with love stories, and so far, I think it’s going pretty well!

My fourth release with Ellora’s Cave, which should be coming out in the next few months, is an erotic paranormal romance. It’s the first book in an intended series, and is all about witches. Which make me happy.

But you’re supposed to get to know ME in this post, right? So, here goes. I’m a happily married twenty-something with two crazy dogs and a fat cat. I have a day job, a fish, and an ancient Honda SUV. My dream is to stay at home in my pajamas and write all day, every day. My family is crazy yet supportive, and I live in the deep, DEEP South, where possums are the primary roadkill and “liberal” is a dirty word.

I try to stay very, very quiet here.

If you’ve made it through the post thus far, you deserve something. A chance to win something cool, at least. So here’s what we’re going to do. All survivors can leave their comment below, and I’ll pick one lucky zombie to receive a copy of SINFUL TRUTH, my erotic horror romance from Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

Isn’t that special? Don’t you feel like we know each other so well already? Aren’t you happy that I’m inviting you to my house-cleaning party this weekend?



Where’d you go?

Til next time, m’loves,

Regina Cole Happily Erotic After. Books available for purchase at Ellora’s Cave, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.