Blog Archives

Erm… I’m a bad blogger. But GIVEAWAY!

So this morning, something dawned on me.


So here’s what happened. I got a new phone. And, said new phone is not programmed with the neato little reminders that old phone was. You know, the ones that pinged me every other Friday and said “Hey, Moron, go do your blog.”

So, this is me, grovelling and apologizing. I’m really sorry that I flaked out for a couple of Fridays there. It wasn’t intentional, promise!!

So, since those reminders also told me WHAT I was supposed to blog about, I’m sort of flying blind for this post.

“What? Regina winging it? That’s never happened.” *takes off sarcasm hat*

So, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to give you guys something free to absolve my guilt. (Hehehehee. Here, kids! I’ll make up for bad parenting by giving you too much stuff.)

I’ll pick one random commenter and send them one FREE ebook! You can pick any of my Ellora’s Cave releases. Here, I’ll just leave you links here in case you want to go ahead and pick out your favorite. šŸ˜‰ Just click the cover and it’ll take you to the Amazon page.

I’ll run this contest through midnight on Sunday, July 9th. That gives you all weekend to comment! So talk to me below, and tell me how I should punish myself for flaking on my poor Darker Temptations. šŸ™‚



Heidi of the Swiss Alps + Vampire FREE READ

Free read opportunity of Sweet Heat Vampira 1 by Jan Springer is at the bottom of this post or click here to go straight through. Enjoy!

And now to Heidi.

One Christmas, when I was a kid, my parents gave me the book, HEIDI by Johanna Spyri. I loved it. Every kid, old and young, should give this literary classic a chance and watch the movies. There are more than one movie version of this story…one with Shirley Temple which I also liked. But the one made in 1968, remains my favorite.

heidi movie

In the movie version that I saw, Heidi is a young Swiss girl who, after the death of her parents, is brought to live with her elderly hermit-like grandfather who lives in a small cabin on the awesome Swiss Alps. At first her grandfather resents her forĀ interruptingĀ his serene mountain life, but Heidi soon breaks through his tough exterior. She lives happily there on the Alps, making friends with a goat herder, Peter and his blind grandmother.

Several years go by and then Heidiā€™s aunt comes for her, stating this is not the place for a young lady to live. Reluctantly her grandfather agrees and Heidi is sent to live in Frankfurt. She is to be the companion to Clara, a young invalid girl. Clara, is wheelchair bound and she teaches Heidi how to read and write.

But Heidi Ā misses her grandfather terribly as well as her friends and the picturesque Alps. Sheā€™s so homesick, that after awhile she is allowed to return to the Alps. Clara and Heidi stay in contact and it is agreed that Clara come to stay for awhile on the Alps with Heidi and her grandfather. The girls are happy and Heidi pushes Clara around in her wheelchair. But while living on mountain air and natural Swiss foods, Clara grows stronger and stronger…and then when Claraā€™s wheelchair becomes broken, Clara begins to learn how to walk!! A tearfully happy story ending ensuesā€¦

Johanna Spyri, Heidi

I highly recommend Heidi for everybody. The movies and the book are awesome.



I’d like to announce a FREE READ PROMO for Two Weeks – from April 8 – 21 2013… SWEET HEAT – VAMPIRA 1 by Jan Springer and published by Ellora’s Cave! Click here for more details…ebook only and it is available in Kindle, Nook etc… Ā Don’t forget to check out Books 2 and 3, Dark Heat and Wet Heat. Book 4 Crimson Heat is coming soon!



Scared? Have a Free Marshmallow.

Well, hello there.
I wasnā€™t expecting company.
Well, wait. Yeah, maybe I was.

My name is Regina Cole, and Iā€™m an erotic romance author and marshmallow addict.

Wait, this isnā€™t a twelve-step meeting? Damn it. *checks calendar*

OH! Sorry! This is Darker Temptations! And this is my inaugural post, in which I introduce myself and give you nice things!

Well isnā€™t that embarrassing.

Ahem. Letā€™s start over.

Regina Cole. Erotic Romance Author for Elloraā€™s Cave. Loves marshmallows, dogs, and fishing. Hates people that tap on the glass of aquariums and badly fitting bras.

Here at Darker Temptations, the mood is somewhat, well, darker. Since I write everything from light contemporary to erotic horror, Iā€™ll be trying to talk more about my darker stuff here, but be aware that I genre-bounce like the Dos Equis guy bed hops. So if I wander over into contemporary land, send one of my compatriots to yank me back.

Iā€™ve been reading scifi, horror and fantasy since I had my first library card. I had a preteen love affair with Edgar Allan Poe, and Iā€™ve never quite gotten over him. (I recited The Raven in a poetry competition in high school, and I make a pilgrimage to his hometown of Baltimore once a year. My husband claims thatā€™s for a baseball game, but I can FEEL POEā€™S SPIRIT while Iā€™m there. Rly. Srsly.)

But since my A #1 love is and always will be romance, I mash up these things with love stories, and so far, I think itā€™s going pretty well!

My fourth release with Elloraā€™s Cave, which should be coming out in the next few months, is an erotic paranormal romance. Itā€™s the first book in an intended series, and is all about witches. Which make me happy.

But youā€™re supposed to get to know ME in this post, right? So, here goes. Iā€™m a happily married twenty-something with two crazy dogs and a fat cat. I have a day job, a fish, and an ancient Honda SUV. My dream is to stay at home in my pajamas and write all day, every day. My family is crazy yet supportive, and I live in the deep, DEEP South, where possums are the primary roadkill and ā€œliberalā€ is a dirty word.

I try to stay very, very quiet here.

If youā€™ve made it through the post thus far, you deserve something. A chance to win something cool, at least. So hereā€™s what weā€™re going to do. All survivors can leave their comment below, and Iā€™ll pick one lucky zombie to receive a copy of SINFUL TRUTH, my erotic horror romance from Elloraā€™s Cave Publishing.

Isnā€™t that special? Donā€™t you feel like we know each other so well already? Arenā€™t you happy that Iā€™m inviting you to my house-cleaning party this weekend?



Whereā€™d you go?

Til next time, mā€™loves,

Regina Cole Happily Erotic After. Books available for purchase at Ellora’s Cave, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.